Saturday, 18 May 2013

Friends of Henllys LNR do our bit for Clean Coasts Week

3 volunteers from Henllys Local Nature Reserve (LNR) picked up 9 bags of litter, a Garden incinerator converted from a gas cylinder, a car rim amongst other things as part of Clean Coasts Week.

We continued upstream from where we went last month and found loads of stuff, some dumped over people's fences and others washed from street litter in the rain. We pulled out several small rugs and some broken chicken feeders. However, most of the stuff we pulled out was very similar to that which we found at events on the coast in Monmouthshire and down on the banks of the River Rumney in Cardiff earlier this week for Clean Coasts Week. This includes, plastic bottles, crisp packets, sweet wrappers and plastic. So if does flow downstream past our reserve and eventually down into the sea at Newport.
The 16 mile route of litter (& Himalayan balsam seeds) from Henllys Local Nature Reserve to the coast (Map can be viewed in more detail here: 
A selection of photos from the 110 events undertaken across Wales' coastline for Clean Coasts Week can be viewed here:

After our litterpick, we decided to look at the progress of some of our winter activities and we were really impressed. All of our willow defences have started to sprout including the big one across the chasm.
Our sprouting willow defences to limit erosion
 Interestingly, growing from the backfilled material I dug out from the blocked culvert, mainly sand, was loads of Himalayan balsam. Moreover, where the drainage teams from the council had desilted the culvert and dumped it on top of our willow defences, these are also packed full of Himalayan balsam.
balsam growing in the silt
This clearly demonstrated the dangers of moving river bed materials which are contaminated with balsam seeds. There is also balsam growing where we have never seen it before and it could only have got there by the treads of shoes or dogs feet. It also demonstrates the vicious circle of Himalayan balsam. It grows by stream edges, outcompetes other vegetation, sets seeds and the shallow roots means more erosion and even worse, this eroded silt is heavily laded with Himalayan balsam seed and the problem escalates and spreads elsewhere.

On a positive note, the mini-orchard provided by Gwent Wildlife Trust is looking really good. Even the one which Cllr. Burnett taped back together with electrician's tape is in leaf. The varieties are as follows: St. Cecilia, Birith mawr, Machen & Cissy more can be read about these here:
Tricia's husbands electrician tape saves one of the apple trees and is in leaf.
All of our pictures from today can be looked at here:

Monday, 13 May 2013

Cleaner Coasts Week and what we can do to help.

Friends of Henllys Local Nature Reserve are joining in with Cleaner Coasts Week 2013 with a stream clean up on Sat 18th May at 10am. We are meeting on the reserve's car park, just off Birch Grove, NP44 6EP.

What do we have to do with the coast? Well, the water which passes through the Henllys Local Nature Reserve ends up in the sea, some 16 miles downstream from us after passing along the Nant y Milwr, Dowlais Brook, Afon Llwd and finally River Usk, passing by several CCW events which are taking place in Newport. So even though we are not on the coast itself, we are doing our bit to help clean up our coast. You are more than welcome to join in with us. Please let us know via and just bring wellies and gloves. All other equipment will be provided.

The trail of litter from the streams that pass through Henllys LNR to sea water is shown in the map below, you may have to zoom out a bit.

View Cleaner Coasts Week Sat 18th May event in a larger map

Monday, 6 May 2013

Granny's store cupbard walk report and next event

Fiona pointing out some wildflowers
On a lovely day, 7 people were given a real insight to some of the local plants and trees that can be found on the Local Nature Reserve. This walk was led by the extremely knowledgeable Fiona Ford who gave up her own time to fascinate and educate us.

We learnt how the hawthorn tree is the totem of the old Celtic god Bran while elder leaves are a strong purgative. I'll be trying out Hawthorn flower tea to see if it helps me sleep and that evening I collected up some ground elder and braised it in a little water and some butter and pepper and it was so good, that I'll be collecting some more of it over the next couple of weeks.

Braised Ground elder with my dinner
As ground elder is considered a weed, I'll be doing my bit to control it, by eating it. No after effects today so all's good too.
Remember, you should never pick anything or eat anything if you are not entirely sure what it is.

Everyone really enjoyed it and we are very grateful for Fiona's kindness and knowledge. She indicated she'd like to come back again and do another one later in the year and we'd be more than happy if she did.

We'd like to thank Henllys Community Council, Asda, Morrisons, One Stop Shop and Wilkinsons for all agreeing to display our poster for this walk.

At the end of the walk, we had a little look at our trial wildflower meadow are and it is looking pretty good with plenty of germinations in both halves. Can't tell them apart yet.

Germinating wildflower seeds
NEXT EVENT: Sat 18th May

TIME: 10am

Stream clean up 2!! Please bring wellies and gardening gloves if you have them. All other equipment will be supplied.

Get in touch via or 07824504813.